Vorsicht, Dummheit ist ansteckend!

Julian —  2. July 2012 — 3 Comments

Filme und Fernsehshows über dumme Leute, machen einen vorrübergehend ebenfalls dümmer:

Media priming refers to the residual, often unintended consequences of media use on subsequent perceptions, judgments, and behavior. Previous research showed that the media can prime behavior that is in line with the primed traits or concepts (assimilation). However, assimilation is expected to be less likely and priming may even yield reverse effects (contrast) when recipients have a dissimilarity testing mindset. Based on previous research on narrative comprehension and experience as well as research on media priming, a short-term influence of stories on cognitive performance is predicted. In an experimental study, participants (N = 81) read a story about a stupid soccer hooligan. As expected, participants who read the story without a special processing instruction performed worse in a knowledge test than a control group who read an unrelated text. Participants with a reading goal instruction to find dissimilarities between the self and the main protagonist performed better than participants who read the story without this instruction. The effects of reported self-activation and story length were further considered. Future inquiries with narratives as primes and contrast effects in media effects research are discussed.

Source: “A Story About a Stupid Person Can Make You Act Stupid (or Smart): Behavioral Assimilation (and Contrast) as Narrative Impact” from Media Psychology, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 144 – 167 (via). Bild CC von salmoneus


3 responses to Vorsicht, Dummheit ist ansteckend!

  1. Dazu passt

    “US-Studie zu Murdochs Fox News – Wer diesen Sender schaut, wird nachweislich dümmer”


    • Das ist eine herrliche Aussage aus dem Artikel:
      ” Eine Studie der Fairleigh Dickinson University im Bundesstaat New Jersey besagt, in aller Kürze: Wer Fox News schaut, weiß weniger, als jemand, der gar keine Nachrichten sieht.”

  2. das ist eine frage der richtung aus der man sich annaehert!
    also ich bin so doof, dass mich das zeug eigentlich schlauer macht.
    insbesondere nach einem vormittag rtl2 fuehl ich mich deutlich klarer
    im kopf als nach einer nacht mit space night…

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